Posts in Category Apps

3D Viewer

WebGL-based interactive 3D plotter for surface mesh files in Paraview's .vtu or .vtp formats (Feb 16 2016)

QCM Analyzer

Interactive on-line analyzer of Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) log files. The analyzer can visualize multiple channels, automatically compute smoothed delta-deltas, and lets you interactively analyze TGA data. (Nov 9 2015)

Sputter Calculator (alpha version)

Online calculator and plotting program for normal and angular sputter yields using the models of Yamamura and Matsunami. (Mar 11 2015)

XY Interpolation Program

Online interpolation program that takes arbitrarily spaced unsorted X-Y data, fits a spline to it, and generates equidistant points. (Feb 21 2015)

Turbofan Calculator

Interactive turbofan calculator based on the one-dimensional model in Hill and Peterson's Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion. (May 23 2014)